Friday 9 December 2016

Essay Tips

  • don't use first person; i, we, me, my, our
  • numbers up to 10 you write out, after that use the figure
  • be consistent
  • no abbreviations
  • be precise
academic writing:
  • impersonal
  • concise
  • clear
  • precise
  • cautious
  • politically correct
  • formal
  • transparent

Wednesday 7 December 2016

AfterEffects: The Hand

In today's workshop we were looking at how to animate a hand drawn image. To do this we had to bring with us to the workshop 3 identical line drawings traced on top of each other, so we had three versions of the same image scanned in to work with.
We were shown an example piece in the workshop:

Forest: Just One Day from Johnny Kelly on Vimeo.

For my piece, i decided to draw a tree, i traced my drawing so i had three versions of the same image, this is so when you animate it it flows nicely. During the workshop i found my tree was really difficult to animate in a hand drawn way as it is really detailed and not drawn from one single line however i tried my best to achieve the same look. I used a tool to make the trunk appear like it was being drawn and then i used a slightly different effect to make the branches look like they were growing off the tree. To improve this i decided to redraw my tree in a simpler way and start again, doing the same thing but making it look better, also adding text.

The Hand - tree from Jennie Chinn on Vimeo.

Simple Tree from Jennie Chinn on Vimeo.

Monday 5 December 2016


name and contact details
  • address, phone (mobile), email (uni and personal), webpage (portfolio)
  • age, dob, status (if single put this on, if not then don't)
(most recent first)
  • university of huddersfield: course, from to (date of expected graduation) 
  • sixth form etc
  • skills, computer literacy (competent in Indesign etc)
  • full uk driving license
  • grades irrelevant (11 gcse's including maths and english)
work experience
(most recent first)
  • date, organisation, job
  • competitions?
hobbies and interests
  • keep it brief!
  • don't say you like socialising
  • its just to show you have a life
  • name
  • company
  • position
  • address
  • telephone
  • email
  • work reference, academic reference, maximum of 3
focus your cv, must appear as if your covering letter/cv have been written specifically for that company 

can be two pages but don't make it double sided

Thursday 1 December 2016

Keywords and Literature

'Banksy; His influences and impact on contemporary graphic design'
  • Banksy
  • Graphic Design
  • Street art
  • Contemporary
  • Influence
Important References:
  • Exit Through the Gift Shop (film)
'But discussing street art along with mainstream art, architecture and urban planning will inevitably lead to the departure of the professionals and the middle class. It remains very much beyond the pale,
like a tattoo, a sign of being unspeakable. Infringing on the body of the city it contains an implicit critique of location. Graffiti is still about marking territory and rejecting the power implications of the built environment. Because of this we have no serious interpretation of this radicalising art form. It is like the argument between calling someone a freedom fighter or a terrorist; there is symmetry but no common ground or willingness to talk. Graffiti manifests the emergence of another taste culture, one well below the five that the urban sociologist Herbert Gans distinguishes'

  • Branscome, E. (2011). The true counterfeits of banksy. Architectural Design, 81(5), 114-121.

  • Preece, C. (2012). Media review: A banksy film. exit through the gift shop. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications. doi:10.1177/0276146712449741
  • Banet-Weiser, S. (2011). CONVERGENCE ON THE STREET: Rethinking the authentic/commercial binary. Cultural Studies, 25(4-5), 641. doi:10.1080/09502386.2011.600553
mainstream art, architecture and urban
planning will inevitably lead to the departure
of the professionals and the middle class.
It remains very much beyond the pale,
like a tattoo, a sign of being unspeakable.
Infringing on the body of the city it
contains an implicit critique of location.
Graffiti is still about marking territory and
rejecting the power implications of the built
environment. Because of this we have no
serious interpretation of this radicalising art
form. It is like the argument between calling
someone a freedom fighter or a terrorist;
there is symmetry but no common ground
or willingness to talk. Graffiti manifests the
emergence of another taste culture, one well
below the five that the urban sociologist
Herbert Gans distinguishes
mainstream art, architecture and urban
planning will inevitably lead to the departure
of the professionals and the middle class.
It remains very much beyond the pale,
like a tattoo, a sign of being unspeakable.
Infringing on the body of the city it
contains an implicit critique of location.
Graffiti is still about marking territory and
rejecting the power implications of the built
environment. Because of this we have no
serious interpretation of this radicalising art
form. It is like the argument between calling
someone a freedom fighter or a terrorist;
there is symmetry but no common ground
or willingness to talk. Graffiti manifests the
emergence of another taste culture, one well
below the five that the urban sociologist
Herbert Gans distinguishesBut discussing street art along with
mainstream art, architecture and urban
planning will inevitably lead to the departure
of the professionals and the middle class.
It remains very much beyond the pale,
like a tattoo, a sign of being unspeakable.
Infringing on the body of the city it
contains an implicit critique of location.
Graffiti is still about marking territory and
rejecting the power implications of the built
environment. Because of this we have no
serious interpretation of this radicalising art
form. It is like the argument between calling
someone a freedom fighter or a terrorist;
there is symmetry but no common ground
or willingness to talk. Graffiti manifests the
emergence of another taste culture, one well
below the five that the urban sociologist
Herbert Gans distinguishes

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Self-Publishing; The Posterzine

In this workshop we had to create a Zine based around our self portrait. For the first one we used a photo of us and had to cut it up, then on the back of that we had to draw a self portrait. Opening this up then revealed the scan we did of our face. This was my favourite part as i thought it looked quite unique and it was interesting to see how the scan turned out. 

Contextual Portfolio Feedback

Points of improvement:
  • The presentation time was only 3', which means that you can add more focused relevant examples and background information that will lead you more
    effectively to your research question.
  • As discussed, the topic and the title are at the moment too broad and therefore need to be narrowed down. For example, instead of investigating who/what
    influenced Banksy, you could search if and how he influenced contemporary graphic design.
  • The same applies to the research question.
  • The reference list and the bibliography should be listed separately. Also, the references should be properly written according to the APA style.
Based on this feedback i have edited my presentation. I have changed my title and research question to be more fitting.

'Banksy; his influences and impact on contemporary graphic design' 

Research Question:
 'Has Banksy influenced contemporary graphic design and how might his work have had an impact?'

I have also re done my referencing and found more references using summon and google scholar. 

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Typesetting and Presentation 3

In this workshop our task was to create 2 templates which we can use to present any project of work on. For this particular one we were asked to use our previous InDesign process and production workshop tasks; the type exercises and the posters we have designed, as the content for the presentation. We made one for a digital output using HD widescreen settings (1920px by 1080px) and RGB colour settings and then another for a print output using A3 landscape, CYMK colour settings. I found this task really useful as it gave us some time to think about how to present our work for our summative assessments but also in industry professionally.

We were shown a couple of examples which were useful to look at as they have actually been used in industry. They were showing a complete re-brand presentation which included their reasoning behind each design element and also professional mock ups.

Friday 18 November 2016

Essay and Visual Appendix

Theory As Practice

  • contextual portfolio 10 minute presentation  50%
  • essay 25%
  • visual appendix (poster) 25%

essay should be 2,500 words plus reference list and bibliography (APA6 style)
remember it's an argument; opinion based on evidence with critical reflection

main body; literature review, research question, case studies
reference list

visual appendix is a visual summary of the essay in the form of an A2 portrait poster
title, name and course
150 word abstract

formative assessment 27/02/17
750 words of essay to be handed in (including; title, abstract, keywords, introduction, preliminary literature review and reference list)

feedback on 24/03/17

summative assessment 03/04/17

Wednesday 16 November 2016

After Effects - Rotoscoping

In this workshop we looked at rotoscoping; we used a piece of footage we had recorded and edited it in after effects, i chose to record my friend jumping from behind as i thought this would create an interesting outline to work with. We were shown some clips on vimeo as example pieces and to give us some inspiration;

General Elektriks: Angle Boogie from Drew Tyndell on Vimeo.

Franz Ferdinand Right Action from Nexus on Vimeo.

During the workshop i had a go at creating my own, i learnt a lot of new skills however i didn't have enough time to pay attention to the actual design of the animation so i have uploaded the clip i created in the workshop and then also the final edited version which i worked on at home.

rotoscoping version 1 from Jennie Chinn on Vimeo.
Rotoscoping Final from Jennie Chinn on Vimeo.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Self Publishing - The Poster

In today's workshop our task was to create posters using printed typography we were given, we had to collage letters together to create our simple designs. We were shown example work such as the work of Anthony Burril;

However i particularly liked the Hort vs Nike collection of posters;
We had a choice of phrases to use for our posters 
  • Trump elected President
  • I actually don't have a bad hairline
  • Brexit Plus Plus Plus
  • When i think i'm right, nothing bothers me
  • Make America great again
We had to collage together the letters considering tone of voice and visual impact.


After the workshop I did some research in to simple typographic posters myself to find some more inspiration and found some poster work by James Joyce, i particularly like his piece of work called 'Oh Me Oh My'

My response:


Tuesday 8 November 2016

Studio Project

week 1 -
pick 3 briefs, one from each 
generate ideas

week 2 - 
develop ideas
work with strongest after feedback

week 3 - 
formalise ideas

week 4,5,6


you can now
deadline march 23rd
16 contemporary communication challenges


Greenall's Gin

royal society for the encouragement of arts
deadline march 8th
social environmental and ecological challenges

Agile Ageing

Mind Your Money

Monday 7 November 2016

Management of the Economy

taxes - method of raising money for the government, spent to the benefit of all
eg. income tax, national insurance, VAT etc  import/export duty, tobacco/alcohol duty
spend it on police, NHS etc
also use it to control how we spend e.g. high tax on tobacco
higher tax mean less disposable income; change in purchasing habits, increase in demand for some items
also causes reduction in some demand (deflationary pressure)

interest rate is the cost of borrowing money
governments have to borrow aswell
higher risk, higher cost
most companies run off debt
increase in the cost of borrowing reduces expenditure which reduces demand; causes a reduction in inflation

all depends on slack in the system

don't pay tax on costs; cost of doing a job
money is a measurement method of value; no intrinsic value
if you are buying, cost is price
if you are selling, cost does not necessarily equal price

cost: monetary value
price: what it is sold for
profit: positive difference between cost and price
loss: negative difference between cost and price
income: money coming in
expenditure: money going out
debt: money owed (negative element)
credit: money you may use but don't have (positive element)
direct costs: directly attributable to overall cost of the item
indirect costs: not directly attributable to overall cost e.g. computers aren't just used for that one job
variable costs: varies with output
fixed costs: doesn't vary with output

a good working designer is worth about 25/30 pounds an hour

be aware of what the market expects to pay for goods/services

Friday 21 October 2016

Contextual Portfolio Feedback

In this seminar, i showed Tracy the start of my contextual portfolio presentation and received helpful feedback. I need to make my title more specific as it isn't clear exactly what i'm researching so i decided to change my title to 'Banksy and The Street Art Movement; His Influences and Impact' as i want to look specifically at who has influenced Banksy and how his designs impact politics and society. I was also given a few questions to think about; is Banksy just a big brand these days? has he become everything he was against? for example, he used to be very anti-society and now his own work is selling for millions.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Typesetting and Presentation - Posters

In this workshop we were given the task to put the typography skills we learnt in the previous session in to practice by designing a series of posters. We were given a brief for 4 different poster designs, i managed to start 2 during the session and decided to edit and finish them all at home afterwards.
The first two had quite a strict brief therefore we were only able to use type, no images and only the colours red, black and white. Although this was a bit frustrating at first it was a good idea as it forced us to use the skills we had learnt in the previous week which was helpful. The final two briefs were a bit more open and allowed us to be a bit more creative.

The brief for the first one was to create a poster for an acoustic night, a weekly open mic event with a laid back, relaxed feel. It was important to show that not just one sort of music is played here so for my concept I chose to use the font Wisdom Script Al as it's very curvy which represents music notes and then I cropped the phrase 'acoustic club' by adding lines through it as we were shown in the previous session. My idea was to make it look like a sheet of music, so the lines representing a music stave with notes on.

For the second one, our task was to create a poster for a craft beer event in Huddersfield. I decided to go for this style and the font Bernard MT Condense as i thought it was typical of traditional craft beer branding.
I used 3 different font sizes and colour tints to emphasise the most important aspects of the event.

For the third poster i decided to look at Michael Beirut, when talking to Aidan about my designs he suggested i looked at his talks and Aaron Draplin's talks on Vimeo which i have linked below for reference.

I chose to do my poster on Michael Bierut because I think he is a very influential Graphic Designer and his work is current and contemporary. He has been very successful so i wanted to research him to understand more about his approach to design. When researching Michael Beirut i found my favourite pieces of his which i tried to incorporate aspects of in my poster. I also found that his favourite font was Bodoni 72 so i used that within my work. 

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Poster Layout Ideas

I have done some rough sketches to show how i want my final layouts to be for my posters. 

Artist Research

Agnes Cecile; Watercolour paint artist. 
I like the idea of an explosion of colour pouring out and i want to try and explore this in my own work and recreate something similar digitally. 


Tom Haugomat; Illustrator
I like the style of illustration he uses in his work and although very opposite to Agnes Cecile, i like his use of minimal colour. I want to try and incorporate both ideas in to my own work by using minimal colour in my initial designs and then adding an explosion of colour to represent the chaos of being addicted.

Monday 17 October 2016

Business Lecture 4 - Buyer Behaviour

Buyer Behaviour Process

  • need recognition
  • search
  • pre-purchase evaluation
  • purchase
  • consumption
  • post-purchase evaluation 
The last step is what the consumer felt about their experience as a whole, whether it was good or bad this step is the most important as this is what determines whether the consumer will want to buy the product again.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

We then looked at wealth and the 80:20 rule also called Pareto
this means that 80% of people only own 20% of the wealth 
and 20% of people own 80% of the wealth 
this can be demonstrated by this diagram of who owns who in big companies.

We also looked at the deciding factors when a consumer buys a product. These are;
  • memory
  • aesthetics
  • emotion
  • genetics
  • logic
  • range of choice
  • attitude to risk
  • nature of problem
  • legal issues
  • religion
  • others views
  • financial issues
so when designing products we must think about the buyer's deciding factors of purchasing. 

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Geometry Animation

In this motion graphics workshop we had to create a short 10 second clip on aftereffects using geometric shapes created on illustrator, we were shown an example piece for inspiration.

Spherikal from Ion on Vimeo.

I did some of my own further research on vimeo and found an interesting short clip in black and white based on the geometric shape of a sphere;

Koba Ident from Koba on Vimeo.

I liked the idea of using mainly circular shapes in my work and i wanted to keep the colour scheme simple and stick to just 3 colours so i chose to use black, white and pink. The workshop was really helpful and i learnt a lot of new techniques such as morphing, however i didn't have enough time during the session to complete my animation. After learning the different techniques i went home and added new material to my clip to improve it. I have uploaded the work i did during the workshop and then my final version which i edited at home;

Geometry Experiment from Jennie Chinn on Vimeo.
Exploring Geometry from Jennie Chinn on Vimeo.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Cybernetic Self Inspiration

In this lecture we looked at different examples to give us inspiration for our studio projects;

  • Kissel Kramer's rebranding of the Hans Brinker Budget Hotel and Anthony Burrows print outs; their unique branding method changed the reasons why people stopped staying at the hotel in to the reasons why people want to stay there.
  • Anna Ahnborg's 'Can You Read Me'

  • Joan Cornella's 'Selfie'

  • Elliot Peter Earls