Wednesday 9 November 2016

Self Publishing - The Poster

In today's workshop our task was to create posters using printed typography we were given, we had to collage letters together to create our simple designs. We were shown example work such as the work of Anthony Burril;

However i particularly liked the Hort vs Nike collection of posters;
We had a choice of phrases to use for our posters 
  • Trump elected President
  • I actually don't have a bad hairline
  • Brexit Plus Plus Plus
  • When i think i'm right, nothing bothers me
  • Make America great again
We had to collage together the letters considering tone of voice and visual impact.


After the workshop I did some research in to simple typographic posters myself to find some more inspiration and found some poster work by James Joyce, i particularly like his piece of work called 'Oh Me Oh My'

My response:


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