Wednesday 1 February 2017

After Effects - Cameras, Z-Space and 3D

For this session we had to prepare some work in Illustrator to use in the workshop, we had to create a background scene using 10-12 layers with only one colour in each. My group's theme was The Universe so i created a Space scene. We could have parts of it going outside of the art board so that when we animate it using a camera in After Effects it would have a better effect.

We used this Illustrator file in our workshop to create a short 10 second animation clip, taking inspiration from the following clip; 

MGMT - All We Ever Wanted Was Everything from oneedo on Vimeo.

We used the same style of work as was used in the All We Ever Wanted music video, for example using textures over the top of our colours, using the peel effect to make it look like different elements were being stuck on to the page and also the use of the camera to tell the story. I enjoyed the workshop but i felt that the way i set up my Illustrator document made my final animation look weird in places, for example i did shading on the planets on a different layer which meant when they flipped up they went at a different rate to the planet it was supposed to be shading.

Universe from Jennie Chinn on Vimeo.

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