Wednesday 15 March 2017

Cinema4D - Prototyping

In this workshop we were shown how to create prototypes to demonstrate things such as designs for packaging and labels. We first did cans and then looked at doing a glass bottle both created using an illustrator file for the outline, however for the bottle cap we were shown how to create something like this from scratch straight in to Cinema4D which was useful as it helped me to understand how the software works. Finally we created a box which we also made from scratch and we were shown the best way to add graphics to each side of the box. I found this workshop really useful but it was also a lot to learn. 

Wednesday 8 March 2017

After Effects - Infographics

In today's workshop we had to collect data about ourselves and create a short 10 second animation displaying this information visually. The two main aspects we looked at were creating two different scenes to work with, one to do with a map and one to do with a bar chart. I chose to use a map of the UK displaying my journey from my hometown of Milton Keynes to Uni, and for the bar chart i chose to do how much i sleep as it was supposed to be something that represents us and sleeping is something very important to me.

Before the workshop i looked in to different infographic designers as i've never done anything like this before so i wanted to find some inspiration and some ideas for what information about myself i should include. I found the designer Jonathan Shackleton, i like the idea of using a dark grey, white and then a bright colour as it looks simple but you can use the bright colour to highlight any important aspects.

We were also shown a couple of examples during the workshop to give us some inspiration and also to demonstrate what sort of techniques we'd be learning how to do. This one was my favourite as it was kept quite simple but effective and i liked the use of the circle as a symbol throughout the whole clip to transition through each bit of data, i thought this tied it all together nicely and made it flow.

Here is what i created during the workshop; my favourite part was the map section.  After the workshop i reflected on what i had done and decided that my design was a bit dark and maybe adding some more colour may look better and also playing around with the start and also my transition clip could improve it slightly.

Final Animation:

Infographics - About Me Final from Jennie Chinn on Vimeo.

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Self-Publishing; Type Stencils - Abstract Typography

In this workshop we were given different fonts; Baskerville Bold Italic, Din Alternate and Cooper Std. I deconstructed sections of the fonts to create stencils which i then used to create abstract prints.
In the first poster i did, i looked at Baskerville Bold Italic. I took the first section of the W in the font and the stem of the Y and drew them blown up in to a stencil which i then used to create a random pattern for my print. In the second poster, i looked at Din alternate. I drew out half an X and the curved section of the P to create this print.

Digital Response;

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Cinema4D - Dynamics, Deformers, Particles, Textures

In this workshop we looked at creating textures and generating random particle systems. We were shown the following designer as inspiration;

40 Feet from Jake™ on Vimeo.

Monday 6 February 2017


Explore and Research:
  • Hyperrealities
 'a condition in which what is real and what is fiction are seamlessly blended together so that there is no clear distinction between where one ends and the other begins'

Jean Baudrillard's theory
examples; Black Mirror, Misfits?, Disneyland
  • The Meme
'an idea, behaviour or style that spreads from person to person within a culture'

examples; internet memes -photos with captions or videos
Kilroy was here -American popular culture expression (graffiti WW2)
  • Millenials 
people born from 1980 - 2000
worldwide we are more similar to each other than previous generations because of western culture and social media impact
generation maybe'we want to be there and not miss anything anywhere'
generation serious grown up in a time where we are familiar with terrorism, e.g. 9/11 
generation snowflakemore prone to taking offence and less resilient than previous generations, too emotionally vulnerable to cope with views that challenge their own
education? bad parenting?

mental health is as important as physical health
-Bipolar Disorder; people who suffer with this disorder choose the "face" that others will see enabling them to hide their emotions and cover up.
-Split; Dissociative Identity Disorder/Multiple Personality Disorder

Mood board 1; Hyperrealities 
- things aren't always as they seem e.g. Black Mirror & similar programmes, Disneyland, dreams 

Mood board 2; Mental Health
-split personality disorders, hidden emotions, e.g. Split (film),